Wild Nevada

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A Month of Foal Rescues

By Tracy Wilson

Rescued foals Wrigley and Mo recuperating at Chilly Pepper Miracle Mustang Rescue.

You've probably already heard that there were a handful of foals rescued over the last couple of months. Everyone involved on the range understands that things happen in nature that we may find hard to see as humans. However, our Virginia Range is bordered, and in some cases occupied, by humans and development. Any intervention is carefully considered for the best interest and minimal suffering of the animals and for public safety and always done with authorization from the Nevada Department of Agriculture. 

With that authorization, several foals were removed from the range and provided with qualified veterinary care before being taken to Chilly Pepper - Miracle Mustang Rescue for continued care until they can be adopted. Two of those foals were just adopted out to their forever home!

There were several foals found separated from their bands for unknown reasons (there is a variety of reasons that this could happen). They were monitored until it could be determined that they could not be reunited with a dam or band that appeared to be their own or were too young to survive without nursing. One young filly was being attacked by a band of bachelor stallions with no mare in sight. Many of these babies required several nights of hospitalization for proper medical care. These expenses are being covered by AWHC with generous donations by the public. 

One young foal with an unrecoverable (fatal) injury to a leg joint was humanely euthanized by local law enforcement. No one likes this part but knowing that long, drawn out and painful death could be prevented was key to this sad situation.

Legacy, with her foal Tatonka and orphan Archer. Photo by Nancy Florence.

The great news is the story of an orphan colt who was able to remain on the range with his family band. After a mare was hit and killed on a highway, her young colt was left an orphan. He was monitored for a full two days with authorization to remove if needed. His very protective stallion/dad made sure he stayed with the band. To the responders' relief, another mare already nursing his slightly older half-brother accepted him and allowed him to nurse, as well. They are doing extremely well and have been spotted playing like normal foals. All three are maintaining their health and will continue to be monitored to make sure this little family thrives.

These operations are truly an example of teamwork at its best. Multiple organizations and individuals provided reporting, rescue, monitoring, supply donations, care (did you know these young babies need to drink milk almost hourly all night long?), transport, and more. And then there is fundraising - critical foal care is expensive! Thank you to Horse & Man for the Bucket Fund fundraiser and all the individuals who have posted fundraisers online to help with these costs. 

To donate to help cover the thousands of dollars of vet care incurred in these rescues, visit: Horse & Man or AWHC.  Your help for these babies is greatly appreciated!