Wild Nevada

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June Local Happenings

LBL Equine Rescue Foal Nursery is Becoming a Reality!

The president of LBL Equine Rescue, Brittany DeNoyer, raised enough money from a birthday fundraiser for the down payment for a new foal nursery. To help fund the construction of the nursery, the American Wild Horse Campaign granted LBL a $5,000 matching gift.  LBL then held a Facebook fundraiser to match this gift, and surpassed their goal! Construction on the nursery has begun. The nursery will be fully equipped to provide round-the-clock care of critical foals, and will even include sleeping facilities for volunteers doing overnight shifts (young foals need to be fed every two hours!). Once the facility is in place, it will need a few finishing touches, such as a staircase to the volunteer sleeping loft, mats for stalls, panels, fencing, and other equipment and supplies to care for the foals. Stay tuned for more exciting information on the foal nursery and the lives that it will help save!

You can send a donation to LBL Equine via their PayPal.

The plans for the nursery

Britney and one of the foals a foal nursery will help raise!

Keeping Up With Goliath

Last month, the Pinto Post highlighted a few of the foals rescued this year. One of them was an adorably long-legged pinto, aptly named Goliath. Goliath has captured the hearts of every one of his “babysitters,” Virginia Range volunteers and horse lovers he’s met. Some of his amazing caretakers created a Facebook group so everyone can keep up with Goliath and his progress. Be sure to follow Raising Goliath- WHC Range Management to see him learn about his new world on his wobbly stilts, eat oranges in trees, meet new friends, whether it be dogs, horses or humans, and so much more!

Just an example of the cute pictures you’ll see on his facebook page

Milk Mustach

Least Resistance Training Concepts Classes

LRTC is opening some large animal rescue training classes - folks should watch for upcoming dates and get the prerequisite classes completed while they wait. Online classes and curriculum must be completed to take the in person class and to be on the call out list. Volunteers are needed!

Check out LRTC’s website for the most updated information

The Carson City BLM and Wild Horse Preservation League Form a Partnership!

In the very near future, Wild Horse Preservation League (WHPL) will begin implementing a fertility control program for wild mares living in the Bureau of Land Management’s Pine Nut Herd Management Area nearDayton, NV. Currently, volunteers are scouting the area and documenting mares for the online database used to keep track of horses. Cathy Cottrill, Director for WHPL, is spearheading the program and states the goals are to treat the mares with the PZP birth control vaccine, monitor the health of the horses, prevent round-ups, and provide stewardship of the habitat.  Darters were trained and equipped by the American Wild Horse Campaign, which will also furnish the vaccine for the program.

Diversionary Feeding Project for Public Safety

The Wild Horse Preservation League (WHPL) has supported diversionary feeding at a site in Dayton since November 2019.  This project helped keep horses away from US 50, out of local neighborhoods and has helped volunteers dart mares with  PZP.   Bruce Denney and his team put out hay at the approved location daily until May 15 when the WHPL diversionary feeding agreement with the Nevada Department of Agriculture (NDA) ended.  During that time, no local horses were hit on US 50, and most stayed out of the neighborhoods.  Days after the agreement ended and hay stopped being supplied, horses began showing up in the neighborhood and began crossing the highway.  Sadly one or more horses were hit near the Dayton Maverick Station.  Wild Horse Connection , the group that has the range management Cooperative Agreement, has since been able to work with the NDA to extend approval of feeding through December of 2020.  Feeding has resumed, and horses are returning to the site, and appear to be staying out of the neighborhoods.

Donations for the Diversionary Feeding Project can be sent to WHPL’s PayPal.

Some of the hay WHPL has provided for the horses

Meet the Guys Behind the Scenes at LBL Equine Rescue!

Dave Palmer, husband of LBL board member Beth, works on odd jobs around LBL. He addresses various repair needs, drives the tractor, moves hoses, water pumps, fence panels and cleans stalls.  Earlier this year, he teamed up with Phi Hanna to install a drainage system for some of the stalls. He and Beth relocated to the area about a year ago and began volunteering at LBL soon after their arrival.  They recently adopted an orphaned yearling mustang who was rescued and rehabilitated at LBL and they look forward to retirement when they can spend more time ‘horsing around’.

Phil Hanna, husband of LBL board member Rae, originally became involved with wild horses when he and Rae lived in Las Vegas. There was a severe drought in the 1990s and wild horses were removed from Red Rock Canyon. The horses were moved to a holding facility where Phil and Rae volunteered with a local group to feed and water the mustangs until they were adopted. When they moved to Dayton, they fell in love with the wild horses in the Pine Nut Area and the Virginia Range. When he isn’t playing pickleball, he is helping with general maintenance at LBL including construction of covered shelters, installing a drainage system, dead tree removal, and other necessary tasks.

LBL Adoptable Horse Highlight

Tina is a mustang who came to LBL as a two year old.  Now four years old, she stands approximately 13.3 to 14 hands high.  Tina completed the LBL 2019 Mustang Trainer Challenge and has 120 days of training.  She is a solid horse and loves people.  She is best suited for a small, experienced rider. Tina would love to be your new best friend and trail companion!