Wild Nevada

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Fertility Control Update

Updated Numbers

Total Treatments: 6,622
Total Primers: 2,286
Total Boosters: 4,336
Total Mares Treated: 1,834

Darter Rae Hanna, Darter Deborah Walker, Documenter Dorothy Nylen, Darter Debbi Engelke

Spring Rush

From late winter through spring the fertility control teams are working harder than ever, focused on getting mares who are due their yearly booster so they are protected from becoming pregnant in the height of breeding season - spring! It’s also the perfect time to get pregnant mares started on their treatments so they won’t get pregnant during their “foal heat”, their first estrus cycle after giving birth. This gives mom and baby a chance to both stay strong and healthy when the mare is not growing another baby while also nursing the one she just had.

The teams are out tracking down horses that are due for treatment using the range-wide database that helps them identify all the horses on the range and tracks the treatments each mare receives.

Big KUDOS to the fertility control volunteers for all of your dedication and hard work!

Darter Terry Staton tracks a mare in the distance. They know she is there, but she approaches quietly with low energy and gets the mare darted! The band then goes back to grazing.

On any given day the fertility control team members repeat this scenario in different locations and various terrains throughout the range. Managing population numbers humanely on the range is always the goal! Go Team!