Wild Nevada

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Happy Tails Rescue


Spring has sprung - life truly emerges on the range in many ways. New grass, new life. And sometimes it feels like all of the conserved energy of winter just explodes all at once!

We often think of spring as fuzzy babies, the shedding of winter coats, and sunny days. But it’s also a time of increased activity. Stallions who have spent the winter being pals and hanging around each other peacefully are suddenly fighting for the rights to mares. There’s a transition when they go from spending their winter time in closer contact to other bands to spreading out more across the range to forage on new spring grass. Bachelors are looking to start their own bands and existing band stallions are looking to add to their harem. Current band stallions find themselves defending these advances. The fights, while part of the natural process, can often be brutal for us humans to witness or see the resulting injuries.

Our Virginia Range wild horses are mustang tough, however, and we have seen them recover from some nasty injuries. Wild Horse Connection sees an increase in calls on injured horses this time of year. Together, the LRTC rescue team and Wild Horse Connection volunteers respond to assess and monitor injuries when needed. The fertility control volunteers also have their eyes on the horses. And there are amazing community members that live near or on the range who watch out for these beloved horses and take photos, monitor, and report back to WHC Range Management, as well. It truly is a village of teamwork!

To report an injured horse, please call the Wild Horse Hotline at 775-352-3944

2021 Foal Rescue Review

Remember the critical newborns from last year? The orphaned older foals? Here they are, growing up healthy and strong thanks to the amazing teamwork on the Virginia Range! Two have been adopted and four more are looking for their forever homes!

For information on adopting, please visit Wild Horse Connection’s adoption page HERE