November Fertility Control Update
New Orange Darts
Our darting team is always looking for ways to make our program just a little bit better. When a darter vaccinates a mare, he or she has to retrieve the dart when it falls out. In a desert climate, a yellow dart can be difficult to spot, wasting valuable time that could be used to identify and dart another mare. One of our veteran darters suggested manufacturing an orange dart and Pnue-dart, the company that manufactures the darts we use, readily complied! These orange darts will make retrieval quicker and easier. We are so lucky to work with a company that listens to those in the field using their products!
Thank you to all who continue to work hard and to everyone who helps us make our program even better!
November Fertility Control Numbers
As of November 30th, we have:
Total fertility control treatments: 1,187
Total mares darted: 801
Total primers: 642
Total Boosters: 545
Great job everyone!!