Discover Nevada wild horses

Pinto Post

November Monthly Highlights

volunteer highlight

This month, the Pinto Post is excited to share John Cottrill’s story! John is a dedicated volunteer who does it all, from working with the Wild Horse Preservation League, to being a Least Resistance Training Volunteer, to diversionary feeding volunteer, to spotting for his wife and darting partner, Cathy and of course helping take care of Goliath. Take it away John!

I got involved with Wild Horses when there was a BLM round up of horses in my neighborhood. Supposedly they were nuisance horses. That’s when I decided I needed to find out what’s going on with the Horses here in Nevada and how are they managed. I joined a local horse advocacy group called Wild Horse Preservation League and from there expanded my horizons with American Wild Horse Campaign and Wild Horse connection. I am a spotter for my wife who does darting and I also do rescue with Lrtc/TLAR with Willis Lamm’s team. Goliath has demanded my attention for about 6 months. He is one special colt. My favorite part of documenting is discovering new horses and keeping track of old ones and their family bands. It’s amazing, the intricacy of these wild animals. I have been doing this for about two years and enjoy every moment of it. I traveled all over the U. S. as a truck driver. Specialty hauling for car manufacturers to test sites. So many wonderful places but I have to say the Horses of Nevada are incomparable. Love what I’m doing.


Horse Highlight
Gold Spot 

By Deborah Sutherland 

The first time I met Gold Spot was on his birthday, March 10, 2017, when he peeked around a canyon wall curiously looking at us.  My friend and I were high in the Virginia Range one spring day looking for new foals in a special canyon where mares journey to when they are about to give birth.  We had been checking on them often for a few weeks.  It was interesting that Gold Spot and his “mom” (Dam) have the same birthdate, both born on March 10, but several years apart of course, and I was there when she was born, too! His mom is called Ginger Snap.   

Gold Spot had the cutest face, with a big gold spot in the middle of his white blaze and a golden body just like his father(Sire) Goldie. A little golden palomino in the family band for the first time that I can remember. I have known Gold Spot’s family back four generations.  

At first we called him Lil Buckaroo.  As we watched him and his family band that afternoon we saw him run so fast on the canyon cliffs and dirt roads bucking all the way up and down the hills!  He did this for a few hours, until finally when he was running down a hill to join the rest of his family, he wiped out! We were worried because when he got up he was limping.  We stayed and watched until he was walking much better and keeping up with his family. 

Gold Spot grew up under the stallion Flashy along with his “cousin” Mitten (aka Princess Mitten).  Soon after Gold Spot was born, Flashy fought for custody of the family band and won.  Flashy took good care of  Mitten and Gold Spot and they were often seen playing together.   

Many people call Gold Spot, Golden Child, or Goldie Jr. and of course his database name of Gold Spot. You can still see his big golden spot under his white forelock.  Today, he runs and bucks with a beautiful bachelor band from one end of the valley to the other.  He can be seen  wrestling with the other bachelors and leading them on journeys across the valley.  I’m hoping someday he will become a band stallion with a family of his own. 

Gold Spot as a baby

Gold Spot as a baby

Gold Spot grown up!

Gold Spot grown up!

Sparing with his bachelor buddies

Sparing with his bachelor buddies

Gold Spot and his bachelor band.

Gold Spot and his bachelor band.

Run Free Moon

All of us at LBL Equine Rescue are heartbroken over the loss of our precious Moon! We want to give a big thank you to Wild Horse Connections, American Wild Horse Campaign, TLAR/LRTC, Comstock and all donors who contributed to Moon! We appreciate it so much! LBL Equine Rescue will not be the same without our beloved Moon! Run free sweet girl. 

Amelia PerrinComment