Discover Nevada wild horses

Pinto Post

September Local Happenings

Have you gotten your Historic Virginia Range License Plate yet?

When you renew your registration, swap your old plates for this new and beautiful gift for the Virginia Range wild horses. Or simply swap your plates any time of the year!

The license plate features an award-winning photo of the very real Virginia Range stallion Ghost, taken by Ellen Holcomb, and is sponsored by Hidden Valley Wild Horse Protection Fund. The 2nd tier state special plate requires 3,000 active plates by December 31, 2020. (The goal is to have 5,000 plates out there on our state roads.)

The COVID-19 shutdown put getting new plates on hold for several months, but the DMV is back open for business! For each new plate, the organization receives $25 and for every annual renewal they receive $20. The more plates that are out there, the more money available to direct toward projects for the horses on the range and the rescued horses in their care.

So far, the plate has been able to fund some on the range supplies, training for LRTC’s Technical Large Animal Rescue team, some needed alterations to LRTC’s new Incident Support Unit that also transports and stabilizes rescued foals, and hay for the rescued horses in HVWHPF’s care. More plates = more project support for all of our wild horses! Plus you get to rep the famed VR horses on your car! What could be better?

Find out how to get these new plates, read FAQ’s, and see detailed information at and click on Nevada Special License Plate

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LBL Spotlight

Meet Linda Bruno, Vice President of LBL Equine Rescue

My parents would blame my 3rd grade teacher for encouraging my love for horses.  Funny thing is, she helped build my self-esteem and confidence, more than any 3rd grade teacher has ever done.  Mrs. Mack was her name.  She became a friend of the family as she also owned Water Babies Swim School where my youngest brother was enrolled.  So not only did I see her during the day, but also multiple evenings a week at her swim school.

At the end of the school year, Mrs. Mack asked me what I wanted for my birthday.  My answer was a horse!  Well, I got the horse!  Mrs. Mack owned a few horses. One named Brandy was boarded down the street and was in desperate need of someone to care for her.  My parents agreed to lease her for me and THAT, was my 10th birthday present.  

Brandy was a MorAb, or better known as a Morgan / Arabian cross.  She was as wide as a house and so barn sour that she would make it back to the barn quicker than I could when she got away from me.  She was so wide, my short little legs stuck straight out.  I loved that horse, more than anything in the world.  We rode on trails, through orchards, up streets, in parades and I even had the courage to show her once.  Sadly, showing was not her forte’ and we never tried again. We would even swim in the pond as I hung on for dear life when she’d roll.  She was my soulmate.  

After a year, Mrs. Mack’s daughter decided she wanted Brandy, so my journey with Brandy came to an end.  I was heartbroken, devastated, and it felt like I cried until I had no more tears left to shed.

Fast forward….Brittany came to me one day and told me she was interested in riding horses.  That’s all I needed to hear!  She was 12 years old and I was able to find a horse to lease for her.  She joined Pony Club and learned how to care for a horse, show a horse, and so much more.  We would ride together, often on the same trails I rode as a kid.  It was a joy we both shared and a bond that has lasted ever since.  We’ve enjoyed many horses since then, we’ve shared heartaches as well.  Honestly, having a horse in her life kept her busy and out of trouble.  When other parents were dealing with their nasty teenager, I was at the barn, enjoying mine.  

I always dreamed of seeing my horses out my kitchen window and 6 years ago, when we moved to Silver Springs, my dream became a reality.  We decided to call our little ranch LBL Ranch.  Shortly after that, Brittany’s trip to the local auction changed our lives and the name of our place forever.  THAT, is how LBL Equine Rescue came to be.  So much has happened in those 5 years; heartache, happiness, concern, laughter, tears, elation and frustration.  But most of all, it has been the most rewarding 5 years of my life and I wouldn’t change it for anything.


Meet Reni, LBL’s adoptable horse of the month

Hey, it’s me….Reni and guess what?! I’m looking for my perfect partner and home! I’m just going to lay it all out and hopefully you’ll fall in love with me, just like everyone else at LBL Equine Rescue has.

First, my story!  

My mom was rescued by the fantastic people at LBL Equine Rescue from an auction where her and my aunt Faith would have surely ended up being slaughtered. Our rescuers were told that both my mom and Aunt Faith were pregnant so everyone  was anxious and ready to save them.  Turns out, Aunt Faith was not, but my Mom sure was.  My poor Mom was in such terrible shape that Linda from LBL started crying when she saw her. Mom had bites all over her body, she was so skinny, and half her mane had been ripped out. 

Once Mom and Aunt Faith were safe, Linda would come out every day and nurse her back to health. She tended to her wounds, loved on her, petted her belly, and talked to me.  I could totally hear her!!  I knew she was a really nice person because of the nice things she was telling my mom!

Ten days after we were all rescued, I was born.  Jokes on everyone at LBL, three amazing people stayed up the entire night before I was born, thinking I was coming, but nope! I thought I would be funny and waited until they were all asleep the next night.  Alisha was one of the people who stayed up all night and she is the one who gave me the name Serenity, Reni for short.  I love my name! 

After I was born, my mom was not doing very well. So, LBL took us to UC Davis and the vet there, Dr. Eric Davis, healed my Mom’s hock infection and my umbilical hernia. Everyone at UC Davis took such good care of us, but we were very excited to come back to all our friends at LBL. Sadly, Dr. Davis told them my mom most likely had a fractured pelvis as well and that there would come a time where they would need to make a tough decision if she was in a lot of pain.

Mom and my stall was right next to Rogue’s, who I love as a second mother!  She was always nice to me and I felt so happy with her.  Sadly, my mom started to be mean to me and the LBL people because she was in a lot of pain. I guess that tough decision had to be made then.  I was only 6 months old and did not understand, but I got to live with Rogue in her stall! She loved me so much and I LOVE her!  I missed my mom but my second momma took great care of me!

I’m a teenager now, three years old! Everyone at LBL jokes about my name. They say I should have been named Renegade, because I am a spitfire!  Yes, I get into trouble sometimes, but that’s what makes me fun! I like to choke on cubes, so I am special and eat only hay, but it’s okay because I love my hay! 

I am short and stocky, but I hear so many people say I have a nice, big butt!  I hope that is a good thing!  I totally love attention, but If you are giving me water from a hose, be careful, because I like to play and will spray you.  They all scream when I do that and then they giggle, so I think they like it. 

I like getting a halter on. That means I get to be brushed and loved all over!  I do need someone who will show me proper manners when I am out walking, but I’m a quick and eager learner.  I like to be in charge, so maybe we can teach each other how to share.  

Please come out and meet me.  I think you will like what you see and I know I will like you! 

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Exciting News from lbl

You may remember all the way back in the March Pinto Post, LBL wrote about their Adoptable Horse of the Month, Bambam. He is a stunning buckskin who won 2nd place in LBL’s 2019 Trainer Challenge! Well, LBL is excited to announce that Bambam has been adopted!! They look forward to watching the relationship between Bambam and his new mom, Dailynn, blossom!

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