Discover Nevada wild horses

Pinto Post

April Local Happenings

Whiskey’s happy ending

On Valentine’s Day, we were up long before the sun, departing at 4 a.m. with Whiskey in the trailer.  After spending 2 months with the trainers, we realized that she was not able to trust people and her flighty nature would be a danger for those who were caring for her.  LBL Equine Rescue had a tough decision to make. 

We reached out to multiple sanctuaries, who either did not respond, or were full and not able to take another horse in.  Phone calls were made and finally, Louise Martin was able to secure a spot for Whiskey at Freedom Reigns in California.  With a sigh of relief, we began planning the trip and finally, the weather opened for us to travel Hwy 80 over the Sierra’s safely.

Seven hours later, we arrived at our destination and we were in for a truly beautiful surprise.  Met by Carrie and her husband at the front gate, we were welcomed by the sign identifying the sanctuary.  As we traveled along the rocky road, we were amazed at the number of horses, lining up and eating their hay, all behaving so politely.  Rolling hills and trees surrounded us and the four of us sat in awe. 

As the road wound around, we entered the quarantine area where Whiskey would be staying.  She calmly exited the trailer and admired her surroundings.  We all had a chuckle when she came upon some green grass and had no idea what to do with it.  Not far from her were two mares in a pen and a new gelding in a separate area.  They could all see Whiskey, but no one could touch her.  This will eventually become her new herd.  An additional 3 pregnant mares will be introduced as well!  From here, Whiskey will receive her vaccinations, hoof trimming and will then be moved to where they can all touch noses.  When the time comes, this newly formed herd will be released onto 70 acres of freedom! 

Once we understood the process, we were just delighted to have this amazing opportunity for Whiskey.  Of course, it was bittersweet for those of us who cared for her over the previous 18 months, but we knew this was the best option we could have hoped for.

A special thanks to Louise Martin for making the call, to Alicia and Carrie, for willingly opening a spot for our beautiful Whiskey, and to those who helped raise funds to defray the cost of her transportation.  It takes a village, and we appreciate all of you for making this a beautiful ending for all.


Welcome to LBL Keona and Kiki

Welcome Keona and Kiki to LBL Equine Rescue. We were contacted February 27th asking if we could help another rescue who had an emergency, and we agreed to take in Keona and Kiki! They arrived March 9th, and we are excited to introduce them to you! These two Mustang ladies were rounded up from Duck Valley and both appear to be in foal. Keona is the pinto palomino, listed as a 4-year-old and has already started bagging up. Kiki is the little dark lady who is listed as a 2-year-old. Both are underweight so we will be slowly getting them back into good health. Stay tuned for updates on their progress and the announcement of our first 2021 fundraiser to help support these 2 .... soon to be 4 horses!





LBL volunteer highlight

My name is Lynn and I love helping out at LBL. We moved here a little over four years ago. I think seeing the horses around helped in making my decision to get involved. I love horses and love seeing them around. I heard about LBL thru a friend, Rae, that I met at Curves.  I enjoy volunteering there and doing whatever I can do to help, be it mucking, cleaning water troughs and my favorite, grooming the horses. LBL has become my happy place. It is a good feeling to know that we have such a caring place like LBL to take care of any horses in need.

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