June Fertility Control Update
Updated Numbers
Total Treatments: 3,865
Total Boosters: 2,482
Total Primers: 1,301
Total Mares Treated: 1,501
Photo credit: Ian C. Bates for the New York Times
AWHC’s Fertility Control Class
The American Wild Horse Campaign is hosting its third local fertility control certification class in mid-June. The Science and Conservation Center in Montana will be sending instructor Kayla Grams to teach the science, history, the safety of PZP, and teach new darters how to apply it in the field. There will be six participants in the course, four of which will work the Virginia Range, and two who will be helping the Pine Nut Wild Horse Advocates in Fish Springs. We always enjoy when we can work with our coalition partners in our common goal of implementing humane on-range wild horse management strategies. Participants will have already gone through a pre-screening process, and have been accompanying darters in the field before enrolling in the class. Each graduate will spend time field training with two different experienced darters before going out in the field with their spotting partners!
The new darters will also receive training on the identification database, on how to spot bands, on how determine which mare or filly needs to be darted and on how to know which treatment she will receive, a primer or booster. AWHC is so excited to welcome the new darters to the darting team!