Discover Nevada wild horses

Pinto Post

July Local Happenings

LBL’s Six Year Anniversary

Please save the date and join LBL Equine Rescue to celebrate its 6 year anniversary!

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LBL’s Saturday Fun Day!

Every Saturday from 9am-12pm is FunDay at LBL! Come meet the horses and volunteers, and lend a helping hand! 

Wild Horse Preservation League

The Wild Horse Preservation League darting program in the Pine Nuts is in full swing! They are sending our first report to the BLM .The BLM has furnished darts and CO2, and American Wild Horse Campaign is furnishing darters, equipment, and PZP. The organization is proud to announce that six horses have been darted and 1 of those was given her first booster. Now she is protected for her next heat!

WHPL will be asking the BLM to purchase a blind so that darters are able to treat some of the more wild mares, and it has three long shooters who are dispatched into the area, as well as numerous documenters with excellent photography skills. 

WHPL is excited to work with AWHC, the volunteers, and the Carson City BLM on this project!

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Amelia PerrinComment