Discover Nevada wild horses

Pinto Post

Fertility Control Update

By the numbers

Total mares darted: 1870

2022 Year end numbers review

A fertility control program such as the one here on the Virginia Range takes consistency and dedication. The dedication of the volunteers implementing this program has resulted in some fantastic progress.

Foal births were reduced by 61% comparing the year end 2022 to the year end 2020. That’s a staggering reduction that shows just how hard the darters and documenters work.

In addition, as the birth rate is reduced, population is starting to decline as more horses died than were born - by 20% across the range. This decline consists of horses whose deaths were documented and those who have been missing for a period of years, and though documenters have searched for them, once that time period passes they are assumed deceased. This is especially true of the very young and the very old.

AWHC looks forward to continued progress reducing the population to meet the shrinking habitat in a humane way.

Amelia PerrinComment