Discover Nevada wild horses

Pinto Post

October Fertility Control Program Update

Fertility Control Program Continues strong


First off, thank you to all of our amazing hardworking volunteers who make this program work. Your dedication does not go unnoticed!

To date:

  • 926 Total PZP treatments

  • 495 Primes

  • 431 Boosters

This is more fertility control treatments in less than 6 months than the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) administered in all of 2018. This makes the Virginia Range program the largest wild horse fertility control program in the world. Way to go!!

Make sure you join our new Facebook group to keep up with our darters and documenters on the range: Stay Wild! AWHC Nevada. 

If you or someone you know is interested in volunteering to be a documenter or darter, please reach out to Deb Walker at AWHC is looking for darting volunteers in the Sparks and Fernley areas.

Amelia PerrinComment