Discover Nevada wild horses

Pinto Post

October Happy Tails Rescue

Holly G Reunited!

A young filly named Holly G got separated from her band and inside three fenced acres in the dark. Rescue team members tried multiple times to get her contained, intending to hold her at a rescue for the night and reunite her with her family band first thing in the morning. But she was having none of it and was too fast and agile in the dark. It can be a tough decision, but the team did what was safest for everyone.

They shut the gate with permission of the land owner, made sure there was water and some hay. It was probably a long night for the little one without mom's milk, but at first light she was still a very fast, very wild, very un-people-friendly ball of speed. Team members set up a loading chute/trap and after a few tries, got Holly G into it and then loaded into the trailer. In the meantime, others were searching for her band.

The band was found nearby on some private property and although there were a few horse hazards around, the benefits outweighed the risks of confining them. The volunteers closed a wire gate to contain the band until Holly G could be brought to them. The video below shows the happy reunion. The wild mare stepped right into the scary trailer to retrieve her baby. In fact, she started crying for the baby before they could get the truck and trailer into reverse. She knew her baby was in there! After the filly nursed for a good long time, the band moved off on the range together, happily reunited. 

This adorable filly had a fantastic happy ending thanks to the hard work of the LRTC rescue team. Thank you everyone for your hard work!

Holly G was named for Holly Gann, an AWHC colleague whose tireless work on behalf of animals on Capitol Hill has led to many victories, including the House passage of a historic amendment in June 2020 requiring BLM to implement humane fertility control as an alternative to cruel roundups. Thank you Holly Gann!

Holly G waiting to be reunited with her family

Holly G waiting to be reunited with her family

Holly G reunited with her mom!

Holly G reunited with her mom!

Amelia PerrinComment