Discover Nevada wild horses

Pinto Post

March Fertility Control Update

Fertility control numbers

Total Treatments: 1545

Total Primers: 727

Total Boosters: 818

Total Mares darted: 892

New Darter Meeting

Want to be a part of the team? AWHC will be hosting a meeting in March to discuss new darter expectations and to potentially pair our new darters with current documenters and darters. Stay tuned for more info!

What Does AWHC Look For In A New Darting Volunteer?


AWHC is always looking for new volunteers to help grow the fertility control program! Are you interested? Do you know someone who is? There are a few specific things needed to be a darter:

  1. New darter/documenter volunteers need to have a vehicle that is capable of traveling on off road terrain in the field;

  2. New darter/documenter volunteers must be able to commit10-15 hours a month to dart or document;

  3. New darter/documenter volunteers must spend time in the field with a current volunteer;

  4. New darter/documenter volunteers must be able to attend the April 21st-23rd training class in Dayton;

  5. New darter/documenter volunteers must be at least 21 years old and have a valid drivers license

    Know anyone who fits the bill? Have them contact Deb Walker at

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2020 foal crop

If you’re out on the range you may notice some new babies. You may be wondering why there are new foals when AWHC volunteers have been working tirelessly darting mares with birth control since last April. Well we have the answers! When the fertility control program was restarted on April 9th, foaling season was already in full swing. Our darting teams immediately went into action knowing they were starting behind in the game, purely due to the timing of the reinstatement of the program. Since the program started later in the breeding and foaling season, volunteers knew that babies would still be born in 2020, but they also knew they could impact the foal crop for 2021 and beyond! They keep at it!!!

For example, This is new baby Adelaide, her momma Jasleen was primed & boosted prior to giving birth and should not conceive this year. She will receive her second year booster soon.

For example, This is new baby Adelaide, her momma Jasleen was primed & boosted prior to giving birth and should not conceive this year. She will receive her second year booster soon.

Inky’s mom was darted and will get a break in foaling for the 2021 foal crop!

Inky’s mom was darted and will get a break in foaling for the 2021 foal crop!

Wild science: data and darts keep Nevada’s mustangs safe

AWHC will premiere a new mini-documentary that looks at how the American Wild Horse Campaign and how local citizens are using a scientifically-proven fertility control vaccine, delivered via remote darting, to humanely manage population growth rates in a historic population of mustang in the Virginia Range in northern Nevada. There will also be a panel discussion after the premiere! If you or your friends are interested in attending you can RSVP here.

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Amelia PerrinComment