February Fertility Control Update
Updated Numbers
Total Boosters: 2025
Total Primers: 1206
Total Treatments: 3231
Wild horses meet Artificial intelligence
We are so excited to announce that AWHC is partnering with the nonprofit organization, WildMe, which is harnessing technology to advance the cause of wildlife protection. Together we are heading into uncharted territory to try and do what’s never been done before: identify individual wild horses with Artificial Intelligence! Using images from AWHC’s extensive identification database of Virginia Range horses compiled by volunteers, the WildMe team will conduct research to develop an algorithm that can identify wild horses in the field
If this project is successful, it will create the infrastructure necessary to scale up humane PZP management programs in herds across the West. The project will also have positive ramifications for citizen science in general. The research will begin in March 2021, so be sure to stay tuned for results. In the meantime check out WildMe and the fantastic work they do for so many other wildlife species, from whales to zebras and more!!