Discover Nevada wild horses

Pinto Post

November Fertility Control Update


Total Treatments: 5,972

Total Primers: 2,186

Total Boosters: 3,786

Total Mares: 1,773

Sweet goodbyes and warm welcomes

In September, AWHC bid adieu to Deb Walker, our Fertility Control Program Coordinator. Deb’s impact on the program is everlasting and we will miss her positive, get-it-done attitude, her many stories about her chickens and her horse, her fierce dedication to the cause, and her kindness to all. Thank you Deb for your incredible work for the wild ones. Happy retirement!! (But we still have her doing special projects for a while so we still get to hear chicken stories!)

In October, AWHC welcomed Allison Hinkle, our new Fertility Control Program Coordinator. Allison is working with Deb and the team to learn all about the Virginia Range program and taking on that role with confidence. Allison will be graduating with a degree in Environmental Science from the University of Nevada, Reno in May and we are excited to welcome her to the team!

Amelia PerrinComment