Discover Nevada wild horses

Pinto Post

April Fertility Control Update

Updated numbers

Total Treatments: 3531

Total Primers: 1273

Total Boosters: 2258

Sierra nevada ally

Be sure to read this wonderful article about the Virginia Range wild horses and the fertility control program that benefits them! This article provides truth in opposition to SJR3. Read it here!

Fertility Control Update

AWHC’s volunteer darters and documenters are out in full force on the range treating the Virginia Range mares with PZP fertility control. Each mare’s birth control history is recorded in an identification database. The system will even flag a mare when she is due for a PZP treatment so AWHC volunteers know to keep an eye out for her on the range!

This system is very impressive and keeps track of identified mares across 300,000 acres. AWHC’s database is updated regularly by documenters. They submit photos and notes to the assigned “herd lead” of each geographical area of the Virginia Range. This ensures volunteers have the most up-to-date photos and information on the horses and bands (families). They also report injuries, missing horses from bands, all changes to band structure, and any other information that is important to the success of the program and well-being of the horses.

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